
Showing posts from September, 2017


This morning, my sister showed me a post on this blog: This is what it said: Dear Writers, (Warning: This is a rant).               Before we start, I want to say that this started out as a light-hearted rant, and it turned into a full-blown rant, and then it turned very serious. This is something that has been on my heart all week...         Have you ever read a book that was good?         No, I mean really,  really,  REALLY good! And while you're reading it, you're think something along the lines of this:  This book is SO good, I'm going to recommended it to EVERYONE!        And then you turn the page and the writer starts dropping f-bombs. And you're just sitting there like,       Well, thank you, dear writer, now I won't recommended thi...

Another tag post. Great...

So, my little sister Ralraymee has tagged me into another tag. I literally already did this in march THIS YEAR. But hey, whatever. Let's do this! Rules: Thank the person who tagged you - Do I have to? Make a picture for the tag post - Here it is: Tag three people - I'm not gonna do this, simply because everyone I know has been tagged. Alright. So, now I gotta answer some questions. Here they are: 1. Who's your favourite Author? That's easy - J.K Rowling. I love the Harry Potter series! I listen to them before I go to bed pretty much every night, and I can even quote random things from it... I'm such a nerd... I also love the writing style of Christopher Paolini, author of Eragon . It's awesome that he was able to write a bestseller at such a young age. He could do it, and so can I! 2. What's your favourite book? (I know I'm mean; I'm only letting you choose one) Is this question really necessary after how I answere...